Nepali-speaking Bhutanese
Artisan Group
Place of Origin
Worcester, MA
United States
Materials Detail
Bamboo, string
flute 10” long; Binayu mouth harp 4 ½ “ X ½; rattle 5”
In Bhutan, villagers and townspeople have a rich musical culture for entertainment and ceremonial times. These bamboo instruments are ubiquitous and have been crafted for RAW sale as well. Nepali-speaking Bhutanese older women sometimes carry them in the waistbands of their sarongs and whip them out to play a little concert. When the famous Silk Road Ensemble came to Holy Cross several years ago, Maita Subba and Hungma Subba joined in the music-making by playing their Binayu mouth harps, which they often carry in the waistband of their saris.